Registered seat of slovak company in Bratislava
We offer you a registered seat and virtuall office in Slovakia at the address Parková ul., BRATISLAVA
Why should you have a registered office at our address?
Currently we offer you a discount. Your registered seat in Bratislava will be FREE FOR 3 MONTHS!
The discount is valid only for companies established by us.
Please contact us and request information about our DISCOUNT!!! Get a registered seat free for 3 months!
Registered seat and virtuall office of the company in Bratislava + mail receiving and forwarding for 25 €/ 1 month
Included in the price:
- registered office renting,
- receipt of mails,
- forwarding mails,
- administrative fee.
For the registered office you pay one year in advance!
Our Registered Office Service includes:
1) Visible indication of your company’s registered office with trading name and identification number;
2) Ensuring your company’s relationship with the public and the authorities.
Do you have a Slovak company and are you planning changing the registered seat of your company?
Move the registered office of your company to our address!
We provide registered office also for an already existing Slovak company and a newly formed company established
another lawyer (another company). We ensure the registration of the new registered seat at the Company Court!
We offer registered office for companies, who do not want or are unable to lease their own office for various reasons.
The registered office is provided for the companies in accordance with the legal conditions of the Slovak Republic.
The registered office is the registered address of the company, which is its mailing address, i.e.,
the place where the company's business and official documents are received and held.
The registered offices can be used by foreign businessmen: need to find a place in the Slovak market quickly,
do not know the laws and legal regulations of the Slovak Republic and do not need own office.
They take advantage of opportunities to present their business at the highest level, and additionally they do not need
to lease own office in Bratislava, which is more and more expensive.